Magical Cello Adventurer Rebecca Zook travels the world to create and perform original music. In her creations and performances, she moves between musical, cultural, and spiritual worlds, channeling from a higher source to transport her audience.
Rebecca’s most recent magical cello adventure, to Iceland, was crowdfunded through GoFundMe, and selected to receive a $1,000 donation from GoFundMe itself. In Iceland, she created and shared with audiences in lava tunnels, ancient singing caves, and Nordic cathedrals. Since her return, she’s made her live radio debut and released over 40 original tracks.
Rebecca began her cello adventure at nine years old when she first heard the cello’s lowest note and fell in love. She began creating original music at 15 (writing a string quartet) and apprenticed to a professional symphony at 16.
In her training, Rebecca has walked an adventurous path of mastery, immersing herself in musical traditions of Bali, Turkey, Uganda, and Ghana; rewiring her neural networks to learn to improvise and play by ear; creating original music for her own jazz ensemble; earning a master’s in cello performance; adventuring musically in Cuba and Bali; and receiving extensive acting training to hone her ability to create spontaneously under almost any circumstances.
Magical Cello Adventurer Rebecca Zook travels the world to create and perform original music. In her creations and performances, she moves between musical, cultural, and spiritual worlds, channeling from a higher source to transport her audience.
Rebecca’s most recent magical cello adventure, to Iceland, was crowdfunded through GoFundMe, and selected to receive a $1,000 donation from GoFundMe itself. In Iceland, she created and shared with audiences in lava tunnels, ancient singing caves, and Nordic cathedrals. Since her return, she’s made her live radio debut and released over 40 original tracks.
Rebecca began her cello adventure at nine years old when she first heard the cello’s lowest note and fell in love. She began creating original music at 15 (writing a string quartet) and apprenticed to a professional symphony at 16.
In her training, Rebecca has walked an adventurous path of mastery, immersing herself in musical traditions of Bali, Turkey, Uganda, and Ghana; rewiring her neural networks to learn to improvise and play by ear; collaboratively creating original music with an original jazz ensemble; earning a master’s in cello performance; adventuring musically in Cuba and Bali; and receiving extensive acting training to hone her ability to create spontaneously under almost any circumstances.
My whole life, I have felt enthralled, sanctified, and transformed when I see or hear a performer and I am moved to tears of joy or get chills up and down my body.
For many years, the deepest mission and desire of my soul has been to give that same experience to others through my own performances.
Now, when I play, I channel from a greater source to sanctify the space, so that my audience is transported and deeply nourished to do their own work in the world.
Playing in cathedrals, caves, intimate house concerts, lava tunnels, and even on the streets of New York City, I’ve learned that those who connect with what I am creating—my audience—includes people of so many different ages, nationalities, races, and belief systems; including those who are deeply rooted in the Western classical music world, as well as those where my music is their first connection with a cello at all.
Audience members routinely describe their experience as magical and nourishing, tell me they were transported, or taken out of this universe, or even that they had a religious experience or felt the presence of angels. What will you experience?